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Introduced Renewable Energy to ZOZOBASE Narashino 1 and ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 1 Logistics Center


In January 2022, we introduced 100% of renewable energy-derived electricity at two of our logistics centers, ZOZOBASE Narashino 1 and ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 1, with virtually no CO2 emissions. As a result, more than 60% (*1) of the electricity consumption at our facilities will be renewable energy.


This time, the electric power introduced to ZOZOBASE Narashino 1 and ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 1 are virtually renewable-energy electric power with tracked, FIT certificates, etc. and are biomass and solar-derived energy. ZOZOBASE Narashino 1 uses approximately 6.1 million kWh (*2) of electricity per year, and the annual CO2 savings from the introduction of renewable energies are equivalent to 2,850 tons.


This introduction will be the second and third bases after the introduction of renewable energy (*3) to ZOZO head office in February 2021. We have been discussing the infrastructures of environmentally conscious logistics centers with the Prologis Group, which has been leasing and operating logistics centers, by converting all lighting from ZOZOBASE to LEDs. We will continue to introduce renewable energy at other logistics centers with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases in the future.


(*1) The total power consumption at our sites is approximately 21 million kWh.

(*2) Actual value in fiscal 2020

(*3) Introduced 100% renewable energy to ZOZO head office in Nishi-Chiba (https://c​orp.zozo.c​om/esg/rep​ort/202105​31-15467/)​