December 21, 2021
Installed LED Lightings at All the Logistic Centers, "ZOZOBASE"
In order to realize sustainable society, we have installed LED lighting that is more effective in energy conservation than fluorinated lamps at all of our logistic centers, "ZOZOBASE."
At ZOZOBASE Narashino 1, we switched to LED lighting from November 2015, which reduced our annual electricity consumption by approximately 110,000 kwh. In terms of CO2 emissions, which are considered to be a cause of global warming, CO2 savings are equivalent to 692 tonnes per year. In addition to ZOZOBASE Narashino 1, three other bases, namely ZOZOBASE Narashino 2, ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 1, and ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 2, have also introduced LED lighting since the initial completion of construction. At some sites, we have introduced a human detection sensor function that detects people and turns them on and off automatically, which can be expected to achieve even greater energy savings.
We will continue to adopt sustainable resources at our logistic centers, "ZOZOBASE" and promote environmentally conscious initiatives.