December 15, 2021
On-Demand-Delivery Class at Elementary and Junior High Schools in Chiba City
To realize our corporate philosophy of "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day." Our employees serve as instructors and give lectures on career education to schools in Chiba City. This time, classes were held at Chiba Municipal Chosaku Elementary School, Chiba Municipal Inage Junior High School, Chiba Municipal Inage Second Elementary School, and Chiba Municipal Yokodo Elementary School.
On the day of the conference, students were briefed on ZOZOTOWN and explained to them the roles and occupations of their respective divisions, including how they are involved until the products reach the customers' hands. In addition, we explained our corporate philosophy, the ideals we value, and the culture of "work with fun" that takes root in us. In addition, we conveyed the importance of "enjoying everything" and the importance of "caring for others" to the students while discussing the experiences of our employees.
The students who attended the classes commented, "I was impressed by the smiles of ZOZO staff in the warehouse when they imagined the goods would be delivered to customers," "I was impressed by the fact that people who talked to me and the dreams of my childhood in the future and my current occupation seemed completely unrelated to each other, and that I was actually connected," and "Through today's class, I was a little excited to become an adult in the future."
We will continue to communicate the fun and rewards of my own work (*) through on-demand-delivery class, and support the young people who will lead the future.
(*) The word "work" is ordinarily spelled as 仕事 (shi-goto), using a character 仕 (shi) represents "serving" by its literal meaning. Instead, we use a character 自 (shi) which is pronounced in a same way but represents "self (natural)" by its literal meaning. This implies we are not serving to someone or forced to work, but are working naturally and spontaneously.
Date of Implementation
Chiba City Nagasaku Elementary School Thursday, November 4, 2021
Chiba City Inage Junior School Monday, November 8, 2021
Chiba City Inage Second Primary School Friday, December 3, 2021
Chiba City Yokodo Elementary School Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Subject Person
Chiba City Nagasaku Elementary School 55 students
Chiba City Inage Junior School 241 students
Chiba City Inage Second Primary School 97 students
Chiba City Yokodo Elementary School 29 students