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"On-Demand-Delivery Class" by ZOZO at junior high schools in Chiba city


We cooperate with Chiba City to conduct classes as lecturers for the "On-Demand-Delivery Class" sponsored by the Chiba City Education Board. In the first "On-Demand-Delivery Class" of this fiscal year, classes were held for 180 second-grade students of Chiba City Manasuna Junior School.

As part of our support of the next generation, we have been giving lectures since last year conveying our corporate philosophy of "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day." "cherishing feelings in working," and "work with fun." The students who attended the classes commented, "When I heard about the origins of ZOZO's company name and the significance of the logo mark, I was able to "imagine" a world full of smiles in the future," and "I also wanted to cherish the importance that people working in ZOZO value."

I would like to continue holding "On-Demand-Delivery Class" at many schools in Chiba City in the future as a message to convey the importance of "enjoying everything" and "caring for others" to the students who will be responsible for the future.


Implementation period
June 30, 2021 (Wednesday)