September 1, 2020
Company Regulations and Benefits for Same Gender Partners
Implementation Date (Start Date)
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The definition of "spouse" in our internal regulations includes partners of the same gender. No matter the gender of their partners, our employees are privileged to receive special leave, gifts and even more with the completion of the ordinary process of marriage.
We carry out our CSR initiatives based on the concept of "Be unique. Be equal." which is the concept of our corporate logo, and our corporate philosophy of "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day" As part of these efforts, we are also changing our internal regulations on diversity. In June 2018, we introduced "Family Time Reduction," a system that allows employees to use time reduction when they need support for people and animals that they consider to be families. Now, in order to respond more flexibly to the various situations of each employees, we have decided to include the definition of "spouse" in internal regulations as well as the same-gender partners. Going forward, we will continue to strive to ensure that all of our employees are unique and enjoy equal, and that they ZOZO WORKSTYLE work enjoyably.