February 2, 2022
ZOZO, Inc. Announces “2030 Carbon Neutrality Declaration,” Reducing GHG Emissions to Net-Zero by FY2030
~ Aiming to make 80% of the electricity used at our offices, data center and warehouses Carbon Neutral by FY2025 ~
ZOZO, Inc. (headquartered in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Representative Director, President & CEO: SAWADA Kotaro), which operates the online fashion retail website ZOZOTOWN, announces its “2030 Carbon Neutrality Declaration,” (*1) a commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) from the business activities, to net-zero by FY2030. Furthermore, ZOZO also aims to join “RE100” (*2), a global initiative that aims to promote 100% renewable energy in the electricity used by the company, at the earliest possible stage.
Z Holdings Corporation (hereafter, referred to as ”ZHD”) the parent company of ZOZO also announced its “2030 Carbon Neutrality Declaration,” committing to reduce GHG emissions by such shifting to renewable energy for electricity used for business operations such as in offices and data centers, to commit to reduce GHG emissions. We, ZOZO has introduced 100% renewable energy in its logistic centers “ZOZOBASE Narachino 1” and “ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 1” as of January 1st, 2022, and this results in that more than 60% of our bases are now powered by renewable energy (*3). In addition, “ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 3,” which is expected to start running in August 2023 will be fully powered by renewable energy as well (*4).
To achieve the goal of ZOZO’s “2030 Carbon Neutrality Declaration” by FY2023, first, more than 80% of the electricity used by the company will be generated from renewable energy sources by around FY2025, and then the remaining electricity will be converted to 100% renewable energy sources over the following five years.
Furthermore, ZOZO Group announced the agreement to “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)” (*5) in February 2022. We will continue to disclose climate-related risks and opportunities - “Governance,” “Strategy,” “Risk Management” and “Metrics & Targets” based on TCFD’s recommendations.
~ Comment from Representative Director, President & CEO at ZOZO, Inc.: SAWADA Kotaro ~
ZOZO Group envisions a new era of fashion that considers our environment and society, through the Sustainability Statement "Fashion Connects and Leads us to a Sustainable Future." and “Sustainability Key Actions” (*6) announced in April 2021.
To achieve the goal of “2030 Carbon Neutrality Declaration” a commitment as an entire ZHD Group to reduce GHG emissions, we will continue to introduce renewable energy in other locations starting from logistic centers with large CO2 emissions. We will continue to work on solving global issues in innovative and creative ways, by utilizing our proprietary technologies, such as to create a made-to-order platform for zero waste.
(*1) Reduce scope 1 and scope 2 of GHG emissions classified by GHG Protocol to net-zero.
Scope 1: direct emissions from owned or controlled sources of the company (fuel combustion, industry-wide process)
Scope 2: indirect emissions from the electricity, heat and steam generation of purchased energy
(*2) “RE100” the global corporate renewable energy initiative led byThe Climate Group and CDP, bringing together the businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity.
(*3) Introducing 100% renewable energy source for the electricity in logistics centers “ZOZOBASE.”
(*4) Automated logistic center “ZOZOBASE Tsukuba 3,” planned to start running in August 2023.
(*5) “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)” is a task force established by The Financial Stability Board, an international body consisting of several central banks, ministries of finance and more. TCFD declared to support companies disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities in June 2017.
(*6) Sustainability Statement and Sustainable Key Actions
ZOZO’s Governance Related to Climate Change
ZOZO Group has established SDGs Promotion Committee in November 2020, as an advisory organization to the Board of Directors. The Committee is chaired by the President and CEO, and acts as a chief executive officer of environmental management responsible to oversee discussions regarding climate-related risk and opportunities, policies and goals, progress of initiatives, and to report to the Board of Directors important matters discussed at the SDGs Promotion Committee. The organization diagram is as of below.
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