September 18, 2018
CEO Yusaku Maezawa Announces the Launch of His Art Project, “#dearMoon” The First Ever Flight of Private Passengers Around the Moon by Inviting Artists
Yusaku Maezawa, CEO of Start Today Co., Ltd. (Headquarters in Chiba city) has announced his art project staged in space, “#dearMoon”, which will be the first ever flight of private passengers around the moon. This was announced at the Space Exploration Technologies Corp (State of California, USA - Hawthorne, from hereon SpaceX), accompanied by its CEO Elon Musk.
Maezawa will invite up to eight selected world-renowned artists representing each field to join him on an orbiting flight on SpaceX's super heavy-lift launch vehicle “BFR”, which will fly them around the moon and earth for one week. This is an art project staged in space, which is purposed to have these artists create works of art from their inspiration of this experience of seeing the moon and round earth from space. The project was named “#dearMoon” to express admiration and respect to the moon, which has been such an inspiration to generations of humankind. Maezawa himself will certainly be joining these artists on this first ever flight of private passengers around the moon. The origin of this “project for humankind” came from Maezawa’s hope to “retain works of art created from the inspiration of these artists who will fly around the moon” with him, for the future generation to admire.
Maezawa has always believed that “art can bring people closer together, make them smile, inspire creativity and provide strength.” As an avid art lover and collector himself, he has founded the Contemporary Art Foundation, as well as lending the art work of Jean-Michel Basquiat to museums all over the world. Maezawa’s work in promoting the arts became a key motivation behind starting this project.
Moreover, this is thoroughly a personal project of Maezawa, therefore will neither cutback nor affect Maezawa’s involvement in the Start Today business.
Statement by Yusaku Maezawa
If Pablo Picasso had been able to see the moon up-close, what kind of paintings would he have drawn?
If John Lennon could have seen the curvature of the Earth, what kind of songs would he have written?
If they had gone to space, how would the world have looked today?
People are creative and have a great imagination.
We all have the ability to dream dreams that have never been dreamt, to sing songs that have never been sung, to paint that which has never been seen before.
I hope that this project will inspire the dreamer within each of us.
Together with Earth's top artists, I will be heading to the moon... just a little earlier than everyone else.
I am truly blessed by this opportunity to become Host Curator of “#dearMoon”.
I would like to thank Elon Musk and SpaceX for creating the opportunity to go around the moon in their BFR.
I would also like to thank all those who have continuously supported me.
I vouch to make this project a success. Stay tuned!
Yusaku Maezawa, START TODAY CEO Profile
Yusaku Maezawa, age 42, was born in Chiba prefecture, Japan in 1975. After graduating from the Waseda Jitsugyo High School and spending some time living in the United States, he began an import CD and record mail-order business. In 1998 Maezawa set up Start Today, in the same year his band debuted their first major album, though with the success of his business he announced a break from his music career two years later.
In 2000, Maezawa changed the business model from catalog based mail-order to an online business, as well as retailing clothing by opening various new unique select online stores. As an accumulation, in 2004 he launched ZOZOTOWN, an online fashion website. Start Today first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Index (3092) in 2007, and in 2012 it listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section.
Maezawa is also an avid collector and promoter of contemporary art, in 2012 he founded a Contemporary Art Foundation in Tokyo to promote contemporary art as well as support young talent.
In 2017 the “ZOZOSUIT” – a body measurement suit and in the same year announced the launch of their own “ZOZO” private clothing label.
Today, through their various initiatives, Maezawa's company endeavors to eliminate the sizing issue of clothing and revolutionize the way people dress. Their corporate philosophy is to “Make the world a better place, bring smiles to world”. Moreover, his company strives to be a place where employees can enjoy working every day.
The Art Project to Fly Around the Moon, #dearMoon
Name of project
An art project staged in space, where world-renowned artists from each field, along Yusaku Maezawa will fly around the moon and earth in SpaceX’s super heavy-lift launch vehicle “BFR”, and to have these artists create works of art from their inspiration of this experience.
To create and leave works of art inspired by the moon and the round earth for the future generation to admire.
Official Website URL
Official SNS accounts
(Twitter) @dearmoonproject
(Instagram) @dearmoonproject
All media related readers
Please contact the #dearMoon Project PR Office for all inquiries regarding the #dearMoon project.
#dearMoon project
E-mail: info@dearmoon.earth