ZOZO Company Profile
ZOZO, Inc.
Established / May. 21st, 1998
Representative Director, President & CEO / Kotaro Sawada
Capital stock / 1,359,903,000yen
Head Office / Midori-Cho 1-15-16, Inage district, Chiba city, Chiba prefecture, 263-0023, JAPAN
Kioicho Tokyo Office / Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho - Kioi Tower, Kioicho 1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0094, JAPAN
Fukuoka Office / Tenjin121 building 7th floor, Tenjin1-3-38, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka prefecture, 810-0001, JAPAN
Miyazaki Office / Carino Miyazaki 7th floor, Tachibanadorihigashi4-8-1, Miyazaki city, Miyazaki prefecture, 880-0805, JAPAN
ZOZOBASE Narashino1(Logistics Center) /
Prologis Park Narashino4, Akanehama 3-7-10, Narashino city, Chiba prefecture, 275-0024, JAPAN
ZOZOBASE Narashino2(Logistics Center) /
Landport Narashino4 from the 5th floor, Akanehama 3-7-2, Narashino city, Chiba prefecture, 275-0024, JAPAN
ZOZOBASE Tsukuba1(Logistics Center) /
Prologis Park Tsukuba1, Tokodai 5-6-2, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture, 300-2692, JAPAN
ZOZOBASE Tsukuba2(Logistics Center) /
Prologis Park Tsukuba2, Sakuranomori 25-3, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture, 305-0019, JAPAN
Number of Employees /
1,411 *Average age of employees (Entire corporate group)/33.1 years old (As of Mar. 31st, 2022) *Whole corporate group
Directors (detail)
*Independent directors and/or statutory auditors pursuant to the provisions established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Major Group Companies
Our business: Creating of new business for ZOZO Group, and R&D mainly driven by ZOZO Research
Representative Director, CEO: Yuki Kanayama
Correspondent Financial Institution
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, MUFG Bank, Ltd., The Chiba Bank, Ltd.
Main Business Partners
adidas Japan K.K., Adastria Co., Ltd., URBAN RESEARCH Co., LTD., UNDERCOVER, A-net Inc., SHIPS LTD., JOI’X CORPORATION, TOKYO BASE Co.,Ltd., TOMORROWLAND Co.,Ltd., Nike, Inc., NANO・UNIVERSE CO.,LTD., NOWHERE CO., LTD., Baroque Japan Limited., B’s INTERNATIONAL, BEAMS Co., Ltd., UNITED ARROWS LTD., Wacoal Corp., World Co., Ltd., JUN CO.,LTD., DIESEL JAPAN CO.,LTD., BAYCREW’S CO., LTD., Ralph Lauren Japan, and others.