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Launched a Special Web Page titled "Let's Learn Fashion and Sustainability with ZOZOTOWN"


On October 8, 2021, we released a web page titled "Let's Learn Fashion and Sustainability with ZOZOTOWN" on our ZOZOTOWN to learn from our customers about sustainability.


This special web page incorporates the desire for ZOZOTOWN to learn together from the same perspective as customers, and is created based on the keywords "friendliness," "kind," and "empathy." Through this section, in addition to the meaning of words such as "sustainability" and "organics" and the sustainable products and initiatives of ZOZOTOWN store brands, we hope to provide new hints for the selection of products when shopping by having them know how to use products for a long time and how to abandon them.


This initiative is also included in one of the 3 pillars of the strategy of "Increase traffic from other than “BUY”" and in the first of the "Key Actions" formulated in conjunction with the Sustainability Statement of "Highlight sustainable fashion choices to improve usersʼ experience."


We will continue to work to create content that is useful to customers and allows them to enjoy fashion, so that ZOZOTOWN can be used not only when purchasing merchandise, but also as a place to touch information on fashion.


Related Links

ZOZO and Learning Fashion and Sustainability (Japanese only)