Basic Policy
ZOZO Group aims to realize a sustainable community and environment together with all the people involved.
Sustainability Statement
Fashion Connects and Leads us to a Sustainable Future.
We at ZOZO envision a new era of fashion that will improve
our environment and society.
Harnessing the power of imagination, creativity and innovative technologies,
we will prioritize impact above individual gain.
We are committed to solving the challenges our planet faces
by connecting people, technology and fashion in new ways.
We believe in creating a world where fashion enriches our lives,
now and forever.
※Sustainability Statement is approved by the Board of Directors in April 19, 2021
Sustainability Key Actions
Highlight sustainable fashion choices to improve usersʼ experience
By sharing information, such as the sustainability criteria and production background of a particular garment, ZOZO will provide its customers with better opportunities to purchase sustainable products and services that are human rights and environmentally friendly.
Create a made-to-order platform for zero waste
ZOZO will build a made-to-order production platform that dramatically reduces waste by avoiding mass production and mass disposal. This manufacturing system will utilize proprietary measurement technologies and various data inputs.
Promote diversity, equity & inclusion among everyone involved in fashion
ZOZO will actively disseminate information and take initiatives that contribute to creating a society where everyone involved in fashion can fulfill their potential. This includes ZOZOʼs own employees, those leading the fashion industry as well as its next-generation, minorities, apparel manufacturers, people affected by pollution, and, of course, its customers.
Contribute to sustainable community development
By combining fashion and technology, ZOZO will work with its stakeholders to solve environmental and social issues in each region and community, and it will contribute to the revitalization and sustainability of various regions.
※We are committed to achieving the goals outlined in our Sustainability Statement and Key Actions by 2030.
Identification of Materiality
We routinely gather expectations, requests and opinions from our important stakeholders. Expectations from our service users and clients, among other things, are gathered through questionnaires and interviews, and expectations from existing shareholders and other investors are also gathered through shareholder meetings, engagement meetings, and evaluation data to us. We also strive to understand the expectations of industry groups and NGOs through meetings and interviews. With reference to the expectations and demands of each of these stakeholders and the demands of society, such as the major ESG evaluation items, we discussed and examined them from the viewpoint of the characteristics of our group and the contribution to the growth of our group, and identified materiality items that are of high importance to both stakeholders and us.
※Materiality is discussed by SDGs Promotion Committee and approved by the Board of Directors in March 14, 2022.
Materiality Map

Relationship between Materiality and Sustainability Key Actions
We have identified the 10 most important materiality items in our sustainability key actions. Going forward, we will establish KPIs and action plans and promote initiatives to achieve both sustainable growth as a company and the fulfillment of social responsibilities and the resolution of social issues.
Sustainability Key Actions①
Highlight sustainable fashion choices to improve usersʼ experience
Sustainability Key Actions①
Highlight sustainable fashion choices to improve usersʼ experience
By sharing information, such as the sustainability criteria and production background of a particular garment, ZOZO will provide its customers with better opportunities to purchase sustainable products and services that are human rights and environmentally friendly.
Materiality |
Supplier Engagement / Consumer Engagement / Product Shipping / Packaging Waste & Recycling |
Goals |
Short Term / Labeling of products based on the sustainability criteria of each brand. Mid-Long Term / Create a common sustainability standard together with brands, and to provide product information including the production background. We will also reduce the social and environmental impact of packaging materials and product transportation. |
Contribution to the SDGs |
Sustainability Key Actions②
Create a made-to-order platform for zero waste
Sustainability Key Actions②
Create a made-to-order platform for zero waste
ZOZO will build a made-to-order production platform that dramatically reduces waste by avoiding mass production and mass disposal. This manufacturing system will utilize proprietary measurement technologies and various data inputs.
Materiality |
Supplier Engagement / Apparel Waste & Recycling |
Goals |
Short Term / ZOZO will provide its made-to-order platform to select brands in addition to utilizing it for its in-house apparel production and sales. Mid-Long Term / ZOZO will provide its made-to-order platform to all brands on ZOZOTOWN and to select users who wish to use this service. |
Contribution to the SDGs |
Sustainability Key Actions③
Promote diversity, equity & inclusion among everyone involved in fashion
Sustainability Key Actions③
Promote diversity, equity & inclusion among everyone involved in fashion
ZOZO will actively disseminate information and take initiatives that contribute to creating a society where everyone involved in fashion can fulfill their potential. This includes ZOZOʼs own employees, those leading the fashion industry as well as its next-generation, minorities, apparel manufacturers, people affected by pollution, and, of course, its customers.
Materiality |
Employee Engagement / Human Capital Development / Diversity, Equity & Inclusion |
Goals |
Short Term / Raise diversity awareness and inclusion among ZOZO employees and stakeholders who are closely involved. Mid-Long Term / Promote diversity and inclusion by collaborating with partners in the fashion industry and in the value chain to provide and communicate new services. |
Contribution to the SDGs |
Sustainability Key Actions④
Contribute to sustainable community development
Sustainability Key Actions④
Contribute to sustainable community development
By combining fashion and technology, ZOZO will work with its stakeholders to solve environmental and social issues in each region and community, and it will contribute to the revitalization and sustainability of various regions.
Materiality |
Sustainable Community Development / Climate Change |
Goals |
Short Term / Contribute to the resolution of local issues and revitalization in the areas where we operate our business. Mid-Long Term / Help solve local issues and revitalize communities beyond our local community and region. |
Contribution to the SDGs |
Sustainability Management Structure
ZOZO Group has held fourteen committee meetings since its establishment of SDGs Promotion Committee in November 2020 (as of May 31, 2022) chaired by the President and CEO, to promote SDGs management across the Group. In addition, the Communication Design Office, which serves as the secretariat, will work closely with each business division to implement measures, with the aim of achieving key actions.

Chairman: President and CEO
Members: Executive Vice President and CFO, Directors and COO, Executive Officers, other officers or employees deemed necessary by the chairman
Observer: Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, External Experts
Secretariat: Communication Design Office

Basic Environmental Policy(Environmental Policy)
ZOZO Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable environment by active engagement in maintaining and preserving the environment through our business operations.
1. Realize a Decarbonized Society
We will make continuous efforts to reduce CO2 by conserving energy, conserving resources, reducing waste, reusing, and recycling. -
2. Conservation of Natural Capital
We will encourage employee participation in environmental conservation activities, promote green procurement, and take environmental measures. -
3. Compliance with Laws and Ordinances
We will comply with all laws, ordinances, international rules and practices related to the environment in Japan and overseas. -
4. Cooperate with our Stakeholders
We aim to realize a sustainable environment by working with a diverse range of stakeholders to resolve environmental issues. -
5. Enhance Education and Training
We will disseminate this policy and environmental issues to all employees and provide education and training. -
6. Disclosure of Environmental Information
We will disclose environmental policies and information and promote transparency.
※Basic Environmental Policy approved by the Board of Directors on October 18, 2021
※In February 2022, ZOZO Group announced support for TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and we will continue to make disclosures on governance, strategies, risk management, and indices and targets relevant to climate-related risks and opportunities based on TCFD recommendations.
Basic Human Rights Policy (Human Rights Policy)
ZOZO Group strives to maintain a safe working environment and is engaged in initiatives that respect the human rights and individuality of each employee.
1. Commitment to Human Rights
We, all officers and employees of ZOZO, Inc. and its group companies (hereinafter “We”), contribute to sustainable social development by respecting human rights in every aspect of our business activities. We have established our approach as the “Basic Human Rights Policy (Human Rights Policy)” and promise to comply with the policy. -
2. Reference and Scope
In accordance with the international principles of human rights, we appreciate and respect cultures and customs of all countries and regions where we conduct our business activities, and strive to avoid involvement in discrimination and the violation of human rights in all business activities. We also require our suppliers and business partners to respect and refrain from infringing human rights in conformity with the aforementioned policies. -
3. Respect for Diversity and Prohibition of Harassment
We respect all people as individuals and do not tolerate discrimination or any disadvantageous treatment on the basis of political beliefs, ideologies, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical features, illnesses, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, etc. We provide equal opportunity in recruitment, evaluation, development, placement, remuneration, promotion, executive appointment, etc., and foster a work environment in which our diverse workforce can play an active role.
In addition, we do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, and take continued preventive measures, such as through regular employee education. -
4. Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
To protect basic human rights, we forbid the use of any and all forced labor or child labor, and engage in business activities adhering to all compliance requirements. -
5. Management of Working Hours and Wages
We stipulate appropriate working hours, break time, overtime hours, late-night work, day offs, and vacation in our rules of employment in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and labor-management agreements. In compliance with legal requirements, we also stipulate minimum wage, legal benefits and deductions, overtime work, etc., in our pay regulations, and make payments directly to our employees. -
6. Respect for the Freedom of Association and the Exercise of the Right to Collective Bargaining
We respect the rights of employees to form trade unions based on the employees’ own wills and the right to choose whether or not to participate. We authorize the exercise of collective bargaining right in an effective manner, and shall negotiate in good faith through constructive dialog with labor representatives. -
7. Maintenance of Employees’ Safety and Health
We exercise due care to maintain our employees’ physical and mental health and strive to secure safe and healthy workplace environments. We comply with the laws, regulations, and rules related to safety and health, and work to maintain this by adopting appropriate measures to address health risks. -
8. Freedom of Expression and Privacy Protection
We recognize freedom of expression and privacy protection in telecommunications and the Internet, and in communications on social media. We take the utmost care not to infringe on such rights. In addition, we serve all our users in a fair and equitable manner and provide safe and convenient services. -
9. Initiatives and Structure to Respect Human Rights
We construct mechanisms for effective countermeasures by establishing human rights reporting desks to prevent human rights violations. We conduct human rights due diligence to assess the impact of business activities on human rights, continuously monitor the impact, and report to the stakeholders. In the unlikely event that business activities should have a negative impact on human rights, we shall respond appropriately using fair and equitable remedial actions to mitigate and resolve such effects. -
10. Communication
Under the Z Holding’s Risk Management Committee which includes the co-chief executive officers, the Human Rights Working Group is responsible for the promotion of human rights initiatives. The Working Group promotes the Basic Human Rights Policy (HR policy) to all officers, employees and external stakeholders and actively conducts human rights awareness activities.
※Basic Human Rights Policy approved by the Board of Directors on October 18, 2021
Communication with Stakeholders
We aim to increase our corporate value through promoting Key Actions, by closely communicating with our stakeholders to address issues and reflect them in our business operation.
Stakeholders |
Customers |
Our Relations |
Our Customer Support Center has a central philosophy of "becoming a friend with our customers." We strive daily to support and make our customers smile as if we help out friends. |
Means of communication |
Stakeholders |
Shareholders and Investors |
Our Relations |
Aiming to be a company trusted by the shareholders and investors, we strive to practice corporate management that meets their expectations and to disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner. |
Means of communication |
Stakeholders |
Business partners |
Our Relations |
Encouraging mutual development by building good and healthy relationships with our business partners through fair and equitable transactions. |
Means of communication |
Stakeholders |
Employees |
Our Relations |
Creating and offering a workplace where motivates each employee to demonstrate his or her individuality, and demonstrate his or her power of creativitity and imagination. |
Means of communication |
Stakeholders |
Local communities |
Our Relations |
Contributing to the vitalization of local communities and the realization of sustainable communities by working to resolve environmental and social issues, mainly in regions where we have bases. |
Means of communication |
Stakeholders | Our Relations | Means of communication |
Customers | Our Customer Support Center has a central philosophy of "becoming a friend with our customers." We strive daily to support and make our customers smile as if we help out friends. |
Shareholders and Investors | Aiming to be a company trusted by the shareholders and investors, we strive to practice corporate management that meets their expectations and to disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner. |
Business partners | Encouraging mutual development by building good and healthy relationships with our business partners through fair and equitable transactions. |
Employees | Creating and offering a workplace where motivates each employee to demonstrate his or her individuality, and demonstrate his or her power of creativitity and imagination. |
Local communities | Contributing to the vitalization of local communities and the realization of sustainable communities by working to resolve environmental and social issues, mainly in regions where we have bases. |
Co-creation and Collaboration with Suppliers
ZOZO Group is always aware of social and environmental impacts of the business and services, and always works towards to demonstrating Sustainability Statement "Fashion Connects and Leads us to a Sustainable Future" through our supply chain collaboration and co-creation with our business partners including brands at ZOZOTOWN. Including brands at ZOZOTOWN and business partners that make up our supply chain.
Relationship with the brands
We evaluate the various conditions such as brand image, product lineup, revenue size etc. fairly to select business partners. At the time of starting business transaction, we require brands to make the representations and warranty for products to be supplied are appropriately manufactured in accordance with the relevant laws, no risk of unfairly harming the rights of the third party, and brands have no relation with any antisocial forces.
In addition, we prohibit any products that may violate human rights, disrupt social order, or use other people's nominations, photographs, portraits, trademarks, works, etc., without permission.
Multi-size (MS)
Our exclusive service ”Multi-size“ offers a variety of sizes of clothings based on measurement data supported by brands, and helps customers to find an ideal size for you. We incorporate an eco-friendly business model to suppress an excess inventory, and many products are produced by made-to-order production.
In our D2C business, YOUR BRAND PROJECT Powered by ZOZO, we collaborate with talented individuals and unite as one. We back up all of the processes and funds required for them to launch their brands from product planning to manufacturing, sales, logistics, and customer support. This project incorporates a number of sustainable and ethical materials, including organic materials and recycled fibers. Moreover, some products are produced by multi-size' made-to-order production, and helps promote a system of reducing mass production and mass disposal. In the time anyone has access to a variety of platforms and opportunities to express themselves in various fields through the public and social media, we will continue to uplift the fashion industry while focusing on sustainability as an online fashion retail website that not only to "sell" but also "create" products.
We completely outsource the last mile delivery operations, which are essential to our e-commerce business. In recent years, the transportation industry has faced issues such as labor shortages and an increase in a number of requests for re-delivery of parcels. We have been working with delivery companies to improve customer service and reduce a number of re-delivery.
In August 2017, we launched the first service in the e-commerce industry to select an option of "locker pick-up," which allows customers to pick up their order from ZOZOTOWN from express delivery lockers.
In June 2020, we launched "package drop service" that allows customers to select preferred locations and dates for each delivery, for carriers to drop a package which enables customers to receive products on a non-face-to-face basis. However this non-face-to-face "package drop service" used to be concerned by some customers from a security point of view since packages with an attached slip of personal information written to be left outside. In June 2021, we introduced a method to reduce the risk of personal information leaks by issuing two-dimensional coding of the slip so that it makes it more convenient and safe for customers to use "package drop service."
Prologis, Inc.
We lease the majority of our logistics centers "ZOZOBASE" (total floor space of approximately 320,000 square meters) with a logistics facility from Prologis. We currently have several centers located in Narashino City, Chiba Prefecture, and Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Sites contracted after 2017 are equipped with LED lighting and human sensors, which are also environmentally conscious. In addition, the air conditioners are fully equipped in each floor to make a comfortable working environment for the employees. We will continue to maintain even better relationships and ensure to keep the logistics centers secure and safe.
Editorial Policy
This sustainability page reports ZOZO Group's sustainability-related information. In order to build better relationships with our stakeholders, we ensure to disclose information, focusing on ESG information.
Issuer |
ZOZO, Inc. |
Date of publication |
October 27, 2021 |
Target period |
Fiscal 2020 (April 2020 to March 2021) ※some of the results of activities in fiscal 2021 are also included. |
Contact Information |
Please contact us for inquiries. |
Issuer | ZOZO, Inc. |
Date of publication | October 27, 2021 |
Target period | October 2021 to June 2022 |
Contact Information | Please contact us for inquiries. |