March 27, 2021
Chiba Allowance, Tsukuba Allowance, and Miyazaki Allowance, Welfare Programs aimed at Regional Revitalization
In 2006, we introduced a benefit program called Chiba Allowance (※1), which provides certain benefits to employees living in designated areas, with the aim of revitalizing the local communities near Chiba City, where our head office and logistics centers are located. In addition, employees belonging to office locations in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, reside in the designated areas of their respective prefectures, and are entitled to "Tsukuba allowance" and "Miyazaki allowance." This system has also been introduced in consideration of BCP (※2) perspectives for emergency situations such as disasters. The Chiba Allowance, Tsukuba Allowance, and Miyazaki Allowance incorporate the desire to build local communities on their own. We believe that the use of this allowance by our employees creates consumption in neighboring stores, restaurants, and other locations, which will return profits to local economies and lead to interactions with local residents. In addition, people living near our offices make it easier access to offices, and for employees to communicate with each other. Currently, about 70% of our employees use this system. We will continue to contribute to the creation of sustainable communities by continuing activities rooted in local communities.
※1 Initially named "Makuhari Allowance." Chiba/Tsukuba Allowance: ¥50,000 per month, Miyazaki Allowance: ¥30,000 per month (amount varies by region)
※2 BCP: Business continuity planning (Business Continuity Planning) for companies and organizations in emergencies such as disasters