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Original Masks Produced by ZOZO are Presented to Elementary Schools in the Vicinity of the Head Office.


Date of Implementation

Thursday, November 19, 2020



Our employees, who have expertise in apparel production, used the fabric of shirts to produce original masks for children. These masks were presented to students at elementary schools near our head office and to children of our employees. There are two schools in the vicinity of the head office, Midorimachi Elementary School and Yayoi Elementary School. Approximately 800 masks were prepared for all students of both schools. A gift presentation ceremony was held outdoors, children presented to school representatives were dissipated through all lunch broadcasts, and in cooperation with both schools, the Company implemented measures to prevent infectious diseases while implementing sufficient measures.




We decided to make our original masks and present them to children as an initiative unique to ZOZO, based on the idea that there is nothing we can do to help them enjoy fashion even in the Covid-19. The masks were packaged on a sanitary-friendly basis, with a ZOZOTOWN original character, the Hakoneko MAX, designed stickers and messaging, to communicate thoughts to each and every person.


Comments from the employees in Charge

At the presentation ceremony of the mask, the Hakoneko MAX also appeared, making the students happy. I was also very happy that at a later date, some students were using the masks they presented, and the parents of the students who received the masks were posting their joy voices on SNS. We would like to take the relocation of the head office as an opportunity to further deepen our relationships with local residents, so we would like to continue these efforts with ideas that are unique to ZOZO.