November 18, 2020
Started Broadcasting DJ Sawada-no-Naname Ue Radio!!, an In-House Limited Radio Broadcast where Our Representative Serves as the main personality
Implementation Period
From Wednesday, November 18, 2020 to Wednesday broadcast every week
As part of our internal communications, we launched DJ Sawada's Naname Ue Radio!, where our President and CEO, Sawada, serves as the main personality, on an internal limited-time basis. The term "Nanameue" included in the title originates from the slogan "Nanameue no Souzou (Imagine the unexpected. Chart the unexplored.)," which expresses "the uniqueness of ZOZO." The program broadcasts a variety of content on each occasion, such as talking with guest employees about what Sawada is thinking about now, and answering questions from employees at the "Ask Kotaro Sawada" corner.
With the appointment of Sawada as President and CEO, the new system has begun as a place for all employees to communicate their thoughts and to communicate with them. It also expresses our desire to have our employees feel closer to Sawada, our representative, by disseminating it through radio, a radial content. We have employees working at various locations, including ZOZOBASE and offices at our distribution centers, and many of our staff are conducting remote work due to the Covid-19. In this context, it is a valuable opportunity to listen to the voices of employees from other departments and Sawada, who are not usually directly involved. The program also provides opportunities for employees to learn about the day-to-day efforts of their employees, partly because they are touched on detailed site renovations conducted by employees and steady efforts in each division. In addition, with the desire to make it a radio where many employees can participate, we introduce the next employee who appears as a guest in a relay format. We also present original designed T-shirts and stickers to guest employees and employees whose questions they have submitted were brought up as topics in the program. In addition, during radio broadcast recording, we wear staff T-shirts designed by in-house designers, and work with a ZOZO touch and meticulousness even in places that are invisible. Through this in-house radio, we hope to disseminate within the company the mindset of "always go through the Souzou no Nanameue (Imagine the unexpected. Chart the unexplored.)," and create an environment in which everyone can work comfortably by disseminating the various opinions and thoughts of Sawada and its employees.
▲ Original Sticker
▲ (left) Original long T-shirt for guest presentation (right) Original staff T-shirt
Comments from Employee Serving as Program Assistants
As the number of employees increases, I think there are employees who do not usually interact with each other. Through this radio, I hope that they will learn more about the company and employees, more about each other and become fond of them. There are many scenes in which guest employees who appear on the radio express their gratitude to their colleagues who work with them all the time and members of other departments. This is the happiest moment in which they are involved in the operation when they were able to attend. It is difficult to meet in person, but I believe that we can send power to many employees through radio.