Basic Policy

Under the corporate philosophy of “Make the World a better place, bring smiles to the World”, ZOZO, Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”) will work to provide information by complying with relevant laws and regulations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as rules regulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange based on prompt, accurate, fair and continuous with all stakeholders.

Method of Information Disclosure

Disclosure of information that falls under the timely disclosure rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, will be registered and provided at the timely disclosure electronic information system (TDnet, Timely Disclosure Network) after preliminary explanation to the Exchange. After disclosing information through TDnet, the Company will also post on to its website. However, for convenience of the system, publication of these information on the website may be delayed. Regarding other information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will also disclose it promptly, accurately and fairly in an appropriate manner based on the purpose of timely disclosure.

Silent Period

In order to prevent leakage of financial results information and to ensure fairness, the Company sets a certain period as the “Silent Period”, from the day following the end of the settlement date to the date of financial results announcement. During this period, the Company will refrain from answering questions or making comments regarding financial results. However, in case if there is a likelihood of a major fluctuation in the business forecast during a silent period, the Company will announce appropriately in accordance with disclosure rules. In addition, even if the Company is in a silent period, the Company will respond to questions in the range of information already disclosed.

Concerns of Utilizing IR Information

The IR information posted on the website are intended to provide the Company’s financial information and management indicators etc. however, it is not intended to solicit investment. When making actual investment, please refrain from making investment decisions based on the information on the website in full and please make a decision on investment at your own discretion.

About Posted Information

not bear any responsibility regardless of reason for faults caused by an error in the information posted by an artificial mistake, a mechanical mistake, tampering of data by a third person, downloading of data etc.

Future Forecasts

Part of the information posted on the website contains statements about future business results. These statements do not guarantee future performance and include risks and uncertainties. Please be aware that future results may differ from actual results due to changes in the environment.

Operation of the Website

The company will suspend, cancel, or change the contents of the website without prior notice. In addition, depending on the communication environment, users’ computer situation etc., there may be circumstances where users are not able to use the website properly. Please be aware that the Company will not be responsible for any troubles, losses or damages caused by above.