November 15, 2016
Launch of a trade-in discount service, the “Replacement Discount”, which is a first attempt within the apparel EC industry
The online fashion website “ZOZOTOWN” (http://zozo.jp/) operated by Start Today Co., Ltd. (CEO Yusaku Maezawa, Headquarters in Chiba city) will launch its new service, the “Replacement discount” on November 15th. The “Replacement Discount” is a service where ZOZOTOWN customers can choose to trade-in items that they have previously purchased on ZOZOTOWN. Customers will be able to pick the items they would like to trade-in from their purchase history at the order confirmation page. Once the customer selects the item they would like to trade-in, the “Replacement discount” (Kaikaewari) will appear, and the customer can decide whether to go through with the replacement or not. In case the trade-in item’s price is greater than the planned purchased item, the payment amount will be 0 yen, and the difference will be refunded to the customer in ZOZO points. (The maximum trade-in amount is 20 items, and the maximum discount is 9,900 yen.) A “Trade-in tot-bag” will be sent to the customer with the purchased item, and the trade-in item can be purchased on the online second-hand / vintage fashion website “ZOZOUSED”.
The business flow of offering a discount at the timing of purchase, and having customers send their trade-in items after-words, is actually one of the first attempt within the EC industry in Japan. Start Today’s strategy is to take advantage of this new flow and promote purchases, as well as increase the line-up of secondary distribution products.
Name of service: Replacement Discount “Kaikaewari”
Service introduction URL: http://zozo.jp/_news/tradein/default.html
Launch date: November 15th, 2016
Content of service:
When purchasing a new item on ZOZOTOWN, customers will be able to pick items they would be interested in “trading-in”(*). After confirming the discount, customers can decide whether to go through with the srade-in or not. Once the customer decides to apply the replacement discount service, the discount will be executed. After-words, ZOZOTOWN will send customers a tot-bag to send the trade-in items in, at the timing of delivering the new purchased item. Customers will place the trade-in items into the replacement tot-bag and resend us their trade-in items. Our customer’s trade-in items will be sold on ZOZOUSED.
*The trade-in discount cannot be applied to some items of particular brands / categories, and the maximum items of trade-in are up to 20 items.
How to use the “Replacement Discount Service”:
- Place an order of the item that is in your ZOZOTOWN shopping cart.
- Please select the “Kaikaewari” (Replacement discount) in the order confirmation page.
- Please confirm the list of acceptable trade-in items, and pick the item you would like to trade-in. Then, please confirm the discount price of your new order and complete your purchase. (*Coupons and ZOZO points can be used at the same timing)
- Please resend your trade-in items to ZOZOTOWN, after receiving your order. Please place your trade-in items into the tot-bag which will be delivered to you with your order.
Price range of the discount of trade-in items:
100 yen ~ 9,900 yen (*If the price of your trade-in item is greater than your new purchase, the payment amount will be 0 yen, and the difference will be refunded in ZOZO points.)
Crown Jewel Corp. (Start Today group company)
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