When was ZOZO established??
May 21, 1998.
When was ZOZO’s share listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
We were listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers in December 11 2007. Then listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in February 29 2012. The security code is「3092」.
What is the company’s management policy?
Please refer to the“Management policy”section of this website for details.
What kind of business is ZOZO engaged in?
Our main business includes the ZOZOTOWN Business which consists of ZOZOTOWN, and BtoB business, where we support the brand’s individual online store operations, for fashion brands such as UNITED ARROWS and BEAMS.
Please refer to the “Business Model”section of this website for details.
How has the Company performed?
Please refer to the“Investor Relations”section of this website for details.
When does the fiscal term end?
It ends on March 31.
Where can I get documents of financial results presentation?
Please download files from the “Documents”.
When will the next financial results be announced?
Please refer to the“IR Calendar”.
Is it possible for me to participate in result briefings?
Result briefings are held for professional analysts only. Please refer to the“IR Calendar”.
Please refrain from participation in result briefings for professional analysts. You can play the video and audio recording of the financial results presentation on a portable media player. Please refer to the“Movie” for details.
Where are the Company’s shares listed and what is its securities code?
ZOZO shares are listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange under securities code number 3092.
What is the Company’ share trading unit?
Are there any preferential services for shareholders?
ZOZO provides no preferential services for shareholders and treats all equally.
When is the dividend record date?
The end of March for year-end dividend, and the end of September for interim dividend.
How much is ZOZO ‘s annual dividend?
Estimated dividends for FY2019 are 12 yen per share (interim) and 18 yen per share (year-end).
For current and historical dividend information, please refer to the“Dividends”in Stock & Debt Information.
What are the handling procedures applicable to the Company’s shares??
Inquiries related to procedures for receiving unpaid dividends or confirming the delivery status of stock-related documents such as shareholder benefit certificates or dividend statements (haitoukin keisansho) can be made at the main office or branch offices of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
Share registrar / Special accounts management institution
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo (〒168-0063), Japan
Toll free: 0120-782-031
※Please note that ZOZO’s dividends, as determined by company articles of association, cannot be paid to the shareholder if a period of three full years has elapsed since the opening day for payment. Please receive your payments promptly, shortly after the opening date.
When can I get my dividend check?
The dividend check is will be sent to you after completing the ordinary general meetings for shareholders.
When is the annual general meeting of shareholders held?
The annual general meeting of shareholders is held in late June every year. The schedule of our other IR related activities are viewable from the “IR Calender”.
What do I do if I haven’t received my dividend check?
Please contact the following administrative agent of our shareholders’ list. (Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Toll-free number: 0120-782-031)
What do I do if I have changed my residence and would like you to send the dividend check to the new address?
Please contact the trading company from which you purchased your stock.
What do I do if I would like to receive the dividend via direct deposit?
Please contact the trading company from which you purchased your stock. Shareholders who have a specified account need to contact the following specified account management institution. (Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Toll-free number: 0120-782-031)
What do I do if I have lost my dividend check?
Please contact the central or other branch offices of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank. Please click the following branch list to find your nearest Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank.
Updates of IR related news of ZOZO will be sent to registered individuals.